Full Media Kit headshot session.

Our Full media kit headshot session. When you need more than a head and shoulders profile photo, this is the ticket. This business headshot session is great for: Corporate headshots Medical office headshots Business headshots Real estate agent headshots Group photos to add or remove people (green screen idea)
Transparent, white or traditional background business headshots

Transparent, white or traditional background business headshots No longer is a traditional background enough for your business headshots; either white or completely transparent background business headshots are needed! The white background business headshot is easy to blend in to almost any website or social media, but how do you get that? Glad you asked! We […]
Headshots, Beer and Church, OH MY!
Goodness, this past week was busy! Love the work I’ve been doing lately; more headshots, photographing staff members for Bristol Brewing Co, and making video for a local Church’s Life in the Spirit Seminar. Here are some of the highlights. This is my second year working with Holy Apostles church to create announcements and web commercials […]
Natural smiles in business headshots colorado springs

Natural smiles in business headshots; is it possible? It is certainly made much easier with a little helper! NSI Partners, an amazing local marketing company sent their staff in to get headshots for their website recently. When the owners, a husband and wife team came in, they had their little man in tow. He […]
Gray background headshots; why not outside?

Gray background headshots; why not outside? I get asked all the time if I have multiple pretty backgrounds, green screen or where I meet outdoors to photograph business headshots. Simple answer; I don’t! In my research, I have found that the best looking, most adaptive business headshots have been photographed in studio with a […]
Joe’s Business Headshots: Colorado Springs

Joe’s manager gave me a call the other day; said she wanted to give him a gift along with his promotion and I personally thought she was on a brilliance streak deciding to invest in some great business headshots. He came in saying he was a bit camera shy, but I assured him it […]
Carm O’Sullivan: Website video and business headshots

Carm is so much fun. Watch any of her first videos and you’ll hear her heart on the matter of YOU and her business, Healing Touch Loving Care. Carm and I captured her first Video Espresso videos recently, and also her business headshots. While Carm was telling me how Healing Touch therapy works to […]
Kevin’s Business Headshots Colorado Springs

I so enjoyed having Kevin in studio to capture new headshots celebrating his new promotion at work! He said he wasn’t much of a smiler, and had a horrible camera smile. (Thoughts of Chandler’s camera smile came to mind (TV show, Friends.)) As you can see for yourself, he was GREAT in front of […]
How often should you change your profile picture?
How often should you change your profile picture? That is a great question with a plethora of answers. I’ve read up on this a little bit and there’s a lot of different answers out there; some say once a month but they all say once a week is too much. The answer that I’m really […]
The Know, Like, Trust Factor: Business Headshots

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” as the saying goes, and so it is. Your business card given from a referral, your LinkedIn profile, your Facebook business page post shared from a friend, and of course, your website. These are just a few ways your first impression will happen, […]
Natural outdoor business headshots

Business headshots are so little about perfection, and so much about capturing someone in their natural beauty. A huge part of putting them at ease in front of the camera is to have them in a place they’re comfortable. Terza and I (www.theterzafactor.com) thought we were going to have to reschedule due to beautiful […]