Senior portraits, class of 2017

I am not often asked to take senior portraits since my main client is the Colorado Springs small business owner or solopreneur. It’s nice every once in a while to take a bit of a mind break from business, headshots and video to dabble in other artistic expressions. Here are some of the more […]
The Real McCoy

Alrighty. I am a power-packed blonde who grew up as a teen in the 80’s and wished my hair would do the Farrah Fawcett feather. Lord knows I used enough Aqua Net that would make Trump look like an amateur, but still, no great 80’s hair. Didn’t stop me from trying, though! Today, I […]
Happy Fur-Baby Mother’s Day!
Most of the women my age I know are mothers in the conventional sense; children with full names and only two legs. What happens to the women like my BFF Tarah, and myself, who have so much motherly love to give and no mini-me to shower it upon? We become fur-baby mommies! Here is a […]
Cool Stuff, 1.20.15 Here’s a fun, new something I’m going to make part of my weekly updates; the Cool Stuff jar. This is an idea that came from a new business client of mine, Cass Mullane. You can see her work and this idea in more depth at The big idea as I am using […]
Starting from seed
Tarah, my best friend and long time room-mate and I have an agreement. She gardens. I take photos of the gardening. She feeds me tomatoes from said garden. 😀 Yesterday, Tarah started some of her gardening from seed. Downstairs in a not-so-oft used room, there is the strangely odd blue glow of a grow light […]
Lemonade is good!

You’ve heard that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I prefer limeaid, but hey, I’m not gonna turn down free lemons! I forgot lunch. Made it and left it at home, all neatly packed. It was good too, chicken and rice. YUM! Freshly grilled chicken with a omnomnom spicy soy sauce and scrumptious […]
Bradt Family Portraits

Family means so much to me, even though mine is small and scattered around the country. Family is made up not just of those who you are kin, but those you adopt in (or those who adopt you in!) Below is my BFF Tarah’s family, or at least a good portion of them. We had […]
Bridal Festival at Antler’s Hotel in Colorado Springs

Cara and I had so much fun yesterday meeting and connecting with so many at the Bridal Festival yesterday at the Antler’s Hotel in Colorado Springs. We were showing wedding images on iPads, connecting with brides, and having a blast of a time with the DJ next door. Such a GREAT day! (Tony the Tiger […]
How Far the East is from the West

I was blessed with the most amazing purple mountains’ majesty in my Colorado sunrise this morning. I’m driving west, seeing this wonderful moon and the mountains turn purple. I turn a corner, face east and BOOM!!! My little iPhone pictures doesn’t do this spectacular work of God justice, to be sure. […]
iPhone + Instagram photo fun

I really do have a load of fun with my iPhone and Instagram. Cara and I have started a new bit of fun challenging each other with a daily photo. The idea is to find or make an interesting image. Sounds simple, right? Everything is fair game; reflective surfaces, textures, abstracts, etc. We’ve just started […]
Dora’s 4th Birthday

Happy Birthday, Dora! Tarah saw her first. This very quiet dog in the same kennel as a Jack Russell Terrier going nuts at who knows what but she was quiet, although engaged, letting him do all the barking. We had to see her in person. Waiting in a small room for the future love of […]